SJF understands that helping occasionally alone cannot bring sustainable changes and development of rural communities. As they are illiterates, ignorant and with a lot of burdens and problems; mere help, talk, meetings and all work less only. Hence aiming the integrated development of each and every family, person and village infrastructure, SJF adopts particular needy villages and development them.
Thus presently SJF has adopted a village called Angalakuthuru of Tenali Revenue Division and started its overall development like education, infrastructure (Roads, community halls, renovation of existing ones etc.), social bonding/harmony/security, economic/livelihood/income generation enhancements, morality, health, drinking water (RO system plants), protection/construction of water storage mechanisms, sewage mechanisms, Village ecological balancing, fodder development, livestock health, marketing/crop banks, CBOs promotion, skill development trainings, establishment of enterprises etc. through convergence and linkages of line departments, NGOs, philanthropists, companies and well-wishers.