Empowerment of rural India through sustainable farm and non-farm livelihood development is one of our objectives. Our interventions are designed to help agrarian families in not only having sustainable agriculture and livestock development but also access to water and sanitation and skills development, so far we have contributed to enhancing livelihood opportunities for more than 500 farmer households in Andhra Pradesh.

As India and the sate Andhra Pradesh are agrarian and the mainstay income of the rural lives is agriculture, SJF believes that without the development and sustainability of them, any claim for development of any realm is incomplete. For, they are the people who feed us and the nation!! Yet, most of them suffer and many committed suicides too. They are being considered as substandard people, but without them, no one will eat three times; to say will never sustain, for there is no short cut for “food”, it should come from the soil through cultivation only.

Thus finding the main issues that the farming families face, SJF supports them with the following activities, which SJF’s executive body members started few years before onwards


Working towards betterment such that everyone should have education, better health and support for old age

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